Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ladies, I need you. Like just a "Yeah, I got your goods. If you fail to send me your next installment, I will send a crate of rabid squirrels to attack you." Eh, something along those lines. Just to let me know I can't goof off. And I have REALLY been wanting to. I am such a woosy.

1 comment:

  1. You can *not* goof off. The squirrels are currently destroying my attic and I would be thrilled to unleash them on you if the need should arise.

    I have gotten the goods, and I am so inspired by your efforts, I am trying to stay up on my own job. Comments will follow as soon as I can get this week overwith.

    Stick with it. I am not used to waiting for my reading installments. If I could have stalked Rowling those last two years, I so would have...
