Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Work in Progree: Nothing

I know what a total loser I am. But my valid, and promise only temporary, excuse is that I started back to work. Not that the job is temporary; hopefully it will be a long and cushy one. But it will only take me a little bit to get back into the swing of being a responsible, card carrying adult again.

That said-Way to go Nee on all your progress. Love new ideas. Feel they relieves stress from the boring editing phase. Since I have an edit job I have ignored, but promise to make noticeable progress by end of week, and a newer idea being panned out at the same time, I think it's great you've got something new to get excited about. BTW-I'm stuck at the door with my two Roberts. Haven't gotten any further, will need large doses of nagging/praise.

Yours: Where is Godred? Anytime now would be fine. I'm waiting. How exciting!

Goal: Literary peace

1 comment:

  1. Well, I sent you Dirty Work. Tag! You're it!
