Monday, June 05, 2006

There has been a parting of the ways over the translation project, so that is no longer hanging over my head.

I tried to work on Late Night Radio, but it just wasn't coming together. I know what I want to stick in there, but it hasn't really taken shape in my head yet as a conversation. *poke*

If you happen to have a copy of my Godred story, feel free to deep-6 it. I have the feeling that it is going to be my project story, where I work on it forever trying out different things. Sort of like a sewing project where you rip it apart and put it back together 5 times before giving up on it, or realizing that the skills you learned in the process would be better used on something new. The idea doesn't pain me too much, but who knows? What started out as a dish-towel may end up as an evening gown.

Paper status report: chugging along, but still reading. I hope to have an outline done today.

Bits and pieces of other writing projects have been flitting into my brain, but I haven't taken the time to jot them down. I may regret that later, but for now I have to concentrate on the paper. urgh.

Neil Gaiman on writing:
"This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard."

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