Thursday, May 03, 2007

Here it is May, and I haven't finished my paper that was due the last day of March. I am pretty sure my professor will still take it (I hope), but I feel like a total jackass for letting it drag on this long. At one point, I had like 8 pages, typed, but I was still feeling out the organization of the thing, and I ended up chopping out large chunks and trashing them. I am sure John will be horrifed by such a confession, but I did it. Now I am up to 10 complete pages that I am currently proofreading, but I need to add two sections and a conclusion. I am *bad* at the conclusion part, usually because I feel like I have laid out all my evidence in the paper, and the conclusion should be self-evident, but this is not always the case. Also, professors like you to spell it out for them, in detail.

They say confession is good for the soul; I am hoping it is also good for making me force myself to finish the goddamned thing, because I am getting sick of thinking about it. Maybe if I continue to post my shame here... I'll think on that.

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