Sunday, November 04, 2007

I never intended to be an absentee parent to this blog, so I guess I ought to start contributing my share to the work around here. (Don't feel bad, little writing blog, I've been neglecting my other blogs, too.)

I've mostly been working recently and trying to (and managing to!) keep up with my classes. I edited a 10-page paper--for money!--and have another 14 pages waiting for me. I would quit school in a heartbeat if I could find a full-time editing gig, but since that's probably not going to fall into my lap (despite the mini-jobs that keep popping up fortuitously), I guess I should just be satisfied with the occasional work in the field.

Teaching didn't go so well last week. I thought I was prepared, but everything just fell flat. That means I am working extra hard this weekend to get next week's tutoring and teaching set up.

I have managed to keep up with reading for my classes--it didn't hurt that one teacher was out sick last week--but I have some assignments due soon that I need to get to work on.

I was mentioning on my other blog the bad mood I've been in, and how Friday was the low-point. Oddly enough, Friday was also the day I had a new idea about my Godred story that I think is going to mean an improvement. I've had all the bits of the story floating around in my head, but I hadn't really gotten them nailed down in the right order. I think I finally have a handle on that with this new idea. I haven't written much on it, but words were put on paper, so I will take what I have and run with it.

Back to class-prep for next week.

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