Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Yay! Kee's back!

Don't be all green-eyed about our vacation... Think about it this way, we went to a neighboring country, just like you all went to a neighboring state. And we had to pay 1-1/2 times the cost of stuff at home, thanks to the exchange rate. :-( But we made it home with money still in the bank, which we'll need to pay the credit card bill plus car repair we've been putting off. So we'll be broke soon, too.

Anyhoo, speaking of vacation, I didn't think I'd put a link to my travel blog around this site, so here it is:Nee On The Road. I've only got the first three days up, but I'll be plugging away at it until the photos from all 8 days are labeled (I think that's around 500 photos!) and loaded on Flickr.



  1. The blogs I find when I Google my own name. :o)

    Thank you for listing my article, Creating the Sizzle in Sex. The link you have is no longer working because the article has been moved to the archive.

    Here's the new link.

    Thanks for posting. Love the title of your blog, too. I'm putting you on my bookmarked list now.


  2. Thanks for stopping by. I'm fixing the link; I have been meaning to go through them and check them, but it always seems to be at the bottom of the to-do list. :-)

    Now that someone outside the list of usual suspects is reading this blog, maybe I will feel more compelled to do something worthy of being written about here. Hopefully. Mild shame is such a great motivator, I find.
