Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Since I have the greatest sister in the world, I ought to repay her kindness in doing me and my friends a favor and post some new writing info.

I should be getting A LOT of work done since I am now accountable to TWO groups of people for my writing. And I love them both so much I can't lie and pretend to work and instead get my fill reading everynight. Oh, and did I also say I signed a statement, with TWO witnesses, that said I had to tell the truth. Yeah.

I picked up tonight and reread some of the self-editing book you got me. It really is great. It's helped me get focused about the problems I need to watch out for when I am reviewing what I "feel" is complete. Hopefully, I don't find some glaring newbie mistakes. I can't wait until I feel like the whole thing is done.

Gotta go and get to work.

1 comment:

  1. Woo! Glad to hear you have shifted into 1st gear. Accountability in writing--what a novel idea! Note that I never forced you to sign a *contract*; I figured family guilt tactics would work better, except I'm not actually so good at them. :-]
