Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's 5:20 pm, and what have I accomplished today?

planned: wash dishes, defrost freezer (which always takes longer than I plan--3 hours)

unplanned: host playdate (cut short by Hannah going to friend's house because I was not letting them play with *hot candle wax*)

writing-avoidance: Internet *groan*, Sudoku

That Vale story is still stirring around, but I just can't seem to make myself put words to paper. What sucks is that I know how it is supposed to go; I even know how the end connects back to the beginning, the perfect circle of the short story. I know that for Godred, too, although I seem to have a few gaps in the middle, or at least parts that need fleshing out. Vale and Cinderella and Godred are getting more and more substantial in my head, but I seem to have put a choke-hold on my own writing. It is very frustrating.

I know I have claimed I was going to work when Hannah wasn't around, but tonight she is going to sleep over at a different friend's, so I am making concrete plans to hide myself in the sunroom and write *something*, anything. Check back here tomorrow to see if I actually do it. (I will!)

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