Saturday, January 05, 2008

I'm here. I'm here.

It occurred to me a couple of days ago that I would have felt better about neglecting my writing-and posting-over the holidays if I had just PLANNED not to write. Instead, I ignored the impending doom that the holidays have on my normal schedule and kept thinking I'd get back to it. Then I felt guilty about it and it kept swirling around in my brain and detracting from enjoying the holidays 100%. So it was a lose-lose all because I couldn't face up to the realities that it writing would have to be low on my priorities for a while.

Speaking of, I have made some plans for the new year. And since I have read your last few posts and have lurked over to westexgirl's goodies, I thought it would be appropriate to share. First, I should say I have been hooked on watching BBC's How Clean is Your House and You Are What You Eat. From the food show, I have found some ways to incorporate a more natural and organic way of heating into our lives. I already feel better-which will be great during the next few months.

But the really big plans come from the cleaning show. With my way limited time coming up and the need to plan in me time (i.e. writing time) EVERY day, I knew I couldn't let my house pile up like it did last year. SO here's the plan, with a little background. I am pretty sure some of my procrastination about housework-it eventually gets done when someone calls to say they are coming over-has to do with the IDEA of housework. Like the IDEA that it takes a long time. That's usually what my kids moan when I tell them it's time to clean up. So with them I would set the timer on the stove for like 5 or 10 minutes and tell them they had to clean everything they could in that time. When the timer went off, they were done. It at least got some of it done and the whining stopped.

So my plan for 2008 is based on that. Every day of the week-I have some chore planned-Laundry-Mon & Wed, Picking up clutter in rooms-Tue & Thursday. Some days have two things. And I even planned my grocery shopping as one (because I hate to go-but now I have to go more regular for all the fresh food). The idea on planning the chores is that I know that day I have to do it-BUT it's ALL I HAVE to do. There is no guilt in not doing other things and there is no wondering when I'll get to those other things because they have their own day coming up. Also-nothing gets carried over-example:whatever laundry didn't get done on Monday has to wait until Wednesday. To me it's like the timer method. There's something about it in my head that says 'Just do it because it's only going to take a little bit of effort and then you're done for the day.'

It's only been a few days but it seems to be working so far. And our -even hubby and the boys- attitude about it is MUCH better. The list is up on the fridge and the boys helped make it. It's kinda got an order to it so they know they have to do each day's work. Like we can't do the floors if the clutter wasn't picked up the day before.

I know this was all more than you wanted to know about my life or my inner rationalizations, but I thought it might help you know you're not the only one who can think herself out of doing something.

When I was on a roll writing, some of my best stuff came out when I sat down and knew I ONLY had one hour to get something down to send to you. I usually got the least amount accomplished when I had all day. I had to remind myself that it didn't have to be an hour that resulted in perfect output as long as it was output. It was a very freeing feeling.

Kinda like letting the boys do more and more around the house. No, they won't make their beds or put their clothes in the drawers just like I would. But does it really matter in the long run. They will get better as they do it more.

And I will have more time to send stuff to you!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. I am tucking away these thoughts into my own head... modifying for my own use. Love it!

    By the way, if it is any consolation, *I* planned a break for you for the holidays. My earlier comment about it being the easiest way to get derailed referred to getting *back into* the swing of things. Now is the time to do it. Off you go!
