Monday, January 28, 2008

The bug has bit my butt.

And I'm rockin' it for all it's worth.

Saturday was a bust around here for all of our plans. We had a sick kid so the b-ball game was a no-go and we were too "contaminated" to be around all the new babies in the family that were congregating before they left for a ski trip. (Yeah, even though we weren't invited, I'm not crying too hard on missing out on a trip with a three year old and two babies under 6 months.)

So with our germ-germy selves we did nada.

And it was such a grand day!! It seems like an open schedule was all that was needed to get motivated to get this book finished ASAP. I was having serious doubts (AGAIN) that I was wasting my time on crap, but NOT NO MO SISTAH!!! I got you guys the letter that I have been working on-so yeah for me for finishing it. And I have been spit polishing the manuscript from the beginning. And, you know what, it's not crap at all.

What's really got me excited is that I didn't have to spend tons of time re-reading it. It just flew by like reading an acutal book. Usually I would get bogged down in fixing things. Since it is going so good and my schedule at work is winding down, I came home early today to work some more. (I actually wanted to call in sick today so I could stay home but figured it would come back to bite me in the butt.)

So I'll update you tonight before I hit the hay to let you know my progress.


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