Friday, July 28, 2006

Right in the middle of studying for my last 2 exams, an idea for a children's book popped into my head. So I have 2 note cards (my preference for middle-of-the-night jotting) and a line or two in my school notebook with notes/text. I told John about it, and he says it sounds didactic, but 1. he can bite me, and 2. children's books often are.

I got a B+ on my oral exam (in German, on linguistics). Yay me!

There was a lot of straightening up today and no writing, but I feel very satisfied anyway. This weekend I must tackle Hannah's bedroom, or it may devour the rest of our house, but on Monday I hope to work in the library for a bit on school stuff and writing stuff.

"A word is not the same with one writer as with another. One tears it from his guts. The other pulls it out of his overcoat pocket."
--Charles Peguy, poet and essayist (1873-1914)


  1. I swear this blog inspires me to write. I remember the poetry class where it first became apparent to me that maybe I could write at least as well as those english majors, and then I think... only memoires, or fiction based loosely on reality. I can tell stories, but not make them up. I picked up a copy of Getting Your Book Published for Dummies. DH thinks I am insane, but he's already imagining me as some Nicholas Sparks phenom... uh, no.

  2. I also meant to comment that even if you were to stick with fictionized reality, you would already have a head start with both of your parents. :-)

    But every time I read your blog, I think how intelligent and articulate you sound and realize I probably come across more like a jackass. Jackass, know thyself, right? So even if you never get paid to publish a word, I for one will always enjoy reading anything you want to write.
