Thursday, July 06, 2006

I wanted to be done by now, but at least I'm still highly motivated. I've hit a snag in the next couple of chapters (That's why I can't put Ch x,y,z and done next to them) since I posted last. My scenes and chapter breaks aren't grouped right. Technically, I am at 9 3/4. But I need to go a bit further before I backtrack and break it up right.

But I'm proud to say that the plot twists I've come up with seem to flow much better than what I had before. It's such a big change, though, that I'm having to go real slow to make sure I carry it through correctly.

So on I go. So glad that I don't have a term paper to write. Hee Hee Nee!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed by your stick-to-it-iveness. I wish I had been so motivated earlier; I wouldn't be hoping to die before my paper is due next week (or maybe just have a ruptured cornea or something not lethal but that would get me off the hook).

    Speaking of which, I just wanted to check in with you before getting to typing this morning. Forward ho!
