Thursday, February 21, 2008

I was too tired to post Monday after I finished working. I am only working tonight until it's time to put the laundry in the dryer, but I thought I better check in.

It's been a crapfest around here lately but at least there's plenty of motivation to be a rich and famous writer. I may hold off doing any of my other web lurking until I get some more of what's in my head down on paper. So if you don't hear from me for a while, it's not because I'm goofing off.

Oh, and isn't there some kind of eclipse tonight? Isn't that like a sign of the wrath of the heavens, an indicator of a major disturbance of the universe, a precursor to a significant cosmic event? Like, oh, say, someone fixing to turn 36. Holy schmoe.


  1. *ahem* I was born in 197*3*, so I will only be 35.

  2. jeez...picky, picky.

    I knew the 7*3* part, it was just the subtraction part that was giving me a problem. So says the one doing all the tax returns.

    Hey, after a long day, one year give or take doesn't really matter. We'll still love you if it's 35, 36, or 46;)
