Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Welcome to the newly remodeled site! I had faffed about with the old version so much that it was looking a bit ragged. Blogger has made some upgrades recently, so I was able to make this new version look how I wanted it to without having to write my own HTML. Woot!

Despite the rush online to declare one's writing resolutions, I have decided not to make any. My big problem is time management (i.e., getting my work done instead of farting around in the guise of housework), so that is what I am actively working on at the moment. I'll eventually figure out how writing fits into my schedule, but for now I am militantly sticking to work hours M-F, 8-5, for schoolwork and teaching, and weekends for household stuff and personal stuff like reading.

I bought a small spiral notebook and am trying to contain all my writing in it. One bad habit I have is procrastinating via organizing my various bits of writing. Since I am not actually trying to do anything in particular with all the bits and pieces anytime soon, I might as well just keep it all together in one place until I have enough to constitute a story or a blog post, and then type it up. Besides, I like to view my writing output by volume of paper instead of by the number of words.

Otherwise, I am still lurking on the writing site and trying to decide whether to filter one asshat to the trash. I don't know when he actually has the time to write fiction, because each one of his posts is a tome. He also attracts flames like 3-year-old lumber, so I don't know why he sticks around, unless it is to poke the hornets' nest some more. For every 1 thoughtful, useful post, he puts up 9 or 10 inflammatory posts. My finger is wavering over the keyboard on this one, but even if I filter him out, I can go back and read the archives online if I see a response to one of his posts that would make it worth my time to go back and read the original. And if I don't filter him out, I'll know which threads he started so I can delete them en masse. hmmm...

BTW, Kee: The new version of Blogger requires a Google Mail password. I don't know if Blogger will set you up with that when you try to log in, but let me know if you need me to send you an invitation for a gmail account.

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