Thursday, August 10, 2006

You asked for it. I didn't even think. I just wrote the first thing that came to me.

Fifteen Minutes: Go 4:42

The couch was not near as comfortable as the bed in their bedroom, but Breck didn’t think she had the energy to make it that far. The baby had kept her up the last two nights with a cough, and Breck really just wanted to lie still long enough to enjoy the quietness of the baby’s medicine induced sleep.

So flopping belly side down on the couch and snuggling down into the warmth of her body heat, Breck listened to the soft breathing coming through the baby monitor and swiftly fell asleep.

The smell of c-o-w-b-o-y soon drifted in with arrival of Dylan. The love in her heart for all the things he had given to her felt like the pleasant weight of the beloved and much requested full body hug he promptly gave her as he sprawled his hunky self lengthwise to join her on the couch for a nap.

Done. 4:59

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