Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oh, so slowly...

I have been working on something new. I think I mentioned a wee bit about it earlier. It's kinda different than what I've done before, but I like it.

The biggest difference in working on this project is that I am not "in love" with it. That means: I love it so much I can't bear to hack away at it to make it better. I think I have been too "in love" with my characters or the idea of writing that I have feared the final product. This time I have a clear structure of what I want to accomplish. I wouldn't call it an outline, exactly, because at least I can see an "end" to the story. That's a big change for me.

Another change this time is that I don't dread the witching hour when I'm done with everything else and it's time to sit at the computer and put in my time. I have found this time that more often than not I have more than an hour's worth of staying power. There have only been a few times when it's felt like I have to peck out each letter. I usually try to hang in a little longer, then go read something in the same vein. I do need to beef up that part of my library since I only have a couple of that type.

Anyways, I better get at it. Slow but steady.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! That's the attitude it takes!
