Sunday, December 30, 2007

I talked to Kee yesterday, and she promised me that her New Year's resolution is to finish her novel, come hell or high water. I know she has it in her, so it is just a matter of getting back in the habit of sitting down at the computer and putting words on the screen, which sounds way easier than it actually is, especially when you come from a long line of procrastinators like us.*

And I am determined to finish my paper. This morning I got up early (for vacation) and read through the first chapter of a book on the linguistics of space. I have a lot more to read, but so far I have just been copying and collecting articles and chapters. I bought a new binder yesterday for my materials, and to get in, the article has to be read. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress, because that is the only thing that might help me keep my nose to the grindstone.

Well, not the only thing, because John bought me this lovely little laptop for xmas:

Merry Xmas to Me!

I am still getting the feel of it, but I loaded the software from our internet provider, so I can at least get online with it if needed. But I don't plan on doing more than uploading my blog posts from here. The laptop hadn't come in yet on xmas, so John gave me a card with an evil xmas squirrel on the front and a picture of the laptop on the inside, and then he told me that he thought I could use it, what with all my writing projects.
Subtext = Get off your ass and get to work.
Except John is too sweet to put it like that, even if that is what it comes down to. But I don't plan on letting him down, so full steam ahead, and all that!

*My father once bought a car when I was 13?14? to fix up for me to drive when I got my license, and it had to be towed to the house he moved to when I was already married.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to pipe in and say that I have not been letting Kee off the hook. The holidays are not the time to get anything accomplished, and I fully expect to see more writing after the first.

    I also need to send a note to Kee like I promised a month ago before all hell broke loose around here. It's coming girl...

    I need some accountability too, so I may start sending y'all results on my progress, just to report. You know how that goes, and Lord knows the Fox won't hold me responsible.

    LOL... reciprocal ass-kicking - the stuff accomplishment is made of.
