Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Oh, the shame! I haven't been posting here, because there hasn't really been anything to post. I've been reading my way through the stack of articles for my Term Paper (I think of it in all caps, you know), because I'm pretty sure my advisor would like to see something from me in writing soon, only I've been avoiding him. aaack!

I have a presentation to give as part of a group of 3 on Monday, and I have to give all my materials to the guy who is going to mush it all into a handout by Friday.

And just otherwise keeping up with my classes.

So that means very minimal translating (2 pages in about 2 weeks), and absolutely no creative writing, and very little blogging.

But I hope once my presentation is done, I'll have a few stats to throw up here, either of the creative or academic variety.

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