Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Checking in

I am trying to build more writing habits, one of which is to not neglect my blogs. After I had a bout of logorrhea here the other night, I went bed with my notepad and jotted quite a few new notes about LNR. I am not certain I am satisfied with that, but it is something.

Then last night I spent the evening trying to get rid of a Trojan that was lurking on my laptop. I think I was successful, but it really sucked up my time and mental energy. Surprisingly, I have had a really good day, work-wise (editing), and am just using this little entry as a chance to take a brain break before embarking on some translating.

You know, I haven't missed the web sites I deleted like a Biblical plague, at all. And of the 9 that remain, I haven't gone and read all the new entries, despite them being marked as new!new!new! I have a heady feeling of control, and I like it, much as Katie Perry likes macking on chicks.

Ok, I don't think my brain is going to get any more broken than that, so time to get to translating!

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